Our LMS is equipped with easy-to-use tools that make importing employees and mapping custom fields a breeze. Whether you’re looking to get staff to self-register, or you want to import them in bulk, our LMS has a solution for you.
We’ll send your staff a welcome email when they’ve been added to the system, and we’ll notify them of any course enrolments so they can get their training started ASAP. And if you need to sync users with your other business systems, our free documented client API is there to help!

It’s our mission to make training simple, and that includes making the life of the training administrator easier.
Once you’ve got your learners on the system, it’s easy to manage them either individually or in bulk with a few simple clicks. You can send emails, archive users, and enroll users in specific courses effortlessly.

We understand you’ve got a million different things on your mind. So, let us take some of the dull admin work away from you.
Our LMS takes the pain out of repetitive manual tasks such as chasing users to start, complete, or renew their training. With our intelligent automated email reminder, our application does all the leg work for you!
We even keep a record of all the automated reminders we send on your behalf so, should you need to, you can demonstrate you’ve taken reasonable steps to ensure that employees are completing their mandatory training.

Our LMS offers you access to a range of detailed reports in an instant, so you can keep an eye on the bigger picture.
You can get an overview of exactly how your training is going, as well as more consolidated training reports that provide a comprehensive picture of your staff’s training.
Ad-hoc live reporting also gives you the ability to see how your employees are doing against any specific course with just a click of a button! You can filter a specific date range, organisational segment, or use any custom field attribute of result status to get the precise information you need.