• Engaging, animated courses that hold learners attention
  • Instant printable certificates provided
  • Huge discounts when you buy in bulk
  • Trusted by over 10,000 UK organisations
  • Rated ‘Excellent’ online
  • Easily work towards compliance with UK legislation

Safeguarding Children Training

This Safeguarding Children training course covers both levels 1 & 2 and also covers standard 11 of the Care Certificate. The WHO estimated that up to 1 billion minors between the ages of 2 and 17 years of age have endured physical, emotional, or sexual violence. This is why Safeguarding Children training is essential for anyone who comes into contact with children, either at work or as a volunteer. This course covers the often-difficult subject of child abuse; considering the different kinds of abuse, how to spot the signs, and how to correctly and discreetly report your concerns so that the problem is addressed.

Health & Safety

Safeguarding Adults – Level 2 Training

This IIRSM approved Safeguarding Adults course – formerly known as Safeguarding Vulnerable Adults (SOVA) – covers levels 1 & 2 and is for anyone who works with, helps, or supports adults at risk. It covers the signs of abuse and explains what to do if you suspect something is happening to an adult at risk, or adults in a vulnerable situation. It's all about sensitive handling and timely intervention.

Health & Safety

Safer Recruitment in Education Training

Safer recruitment is all about keeping unsuitable people away from children and vulnerable adults – a vital part of the safeguarding process. This Safer Recruitment in Education course is IIRSM approved and CPD accredited and provides printable certificates upon completion.

Human Resources

Prevent Duty Training

Our IIRSM approved Prevent Duty Training Course aims supports those working in Education with their duty in the Counter-Terrorism and Security Act 2015 and to prevent children from being drawn into terrorism and radicalisation. It will also equip staff with the right tools to deal with any direct threats of radicalisation or terrorism. This Prevent Training is suitable for those working in education and childcare.

Human Resources

FGM Awareness & Prevention Training

This FGM Awareness and Prevention Training Course provides useful information about Female Genital Mutilation and will help you spot the signs of potential FGM, as well as teach you how to intervene should you suspect a child is going to be subjected to the procedure. This FGM Course is CPD Accredited and can be used in conjunction with our Safeguarding Children Course.

Human Resources

Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards (DoLS) Training

This online DoLS Training explains what needs to be done before a deprivation of liberty can be authorised. It has been designed to be used by anyone who cares for someone who may lack the mental capacity to make decisions for themselves.

Human Resources

Assessing Mental Capacity Training

This Assessing Mental Capacity training course guides you through the process of assessing a person's mental capacity to make decisions for themselves. It looks at the Mental Capacity Act 2005 and the 5 key principles involved in assessing mental capacity. It also looks at capacity assessment examples and how to deal with disagreements and complaints.

Human Resources

Our team of experts

We’ve helped thousands of UK organisations easily work towards compliance with UK safeguarding legislation

My team has helped all types and sizes of care organisations work towards compliance through our straightforward, cost effective training solution. Get in touch today and we can help you too!

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