• Work towards compliance with UK Health & Safety legislation
  • Helps to ensure remote workers and employers understand their responsibilities
  • Rated excellent online
  • Instant printable certificates provided
  • Trusted by over 10,000 organisations
  • Engaging, animated courses that hold learners attention

Health and Safety Training for Homeworkers

Everyone should have health and safety training, regardless of if they work in a fixed place of work or they work from home. This course is for people who work at home, some, or all of the time. It's to keep you safe while you're at work, when your workplace is your own home. Our course includes access to our Homeworking Assessment Tool.

Health & Safety

Fire Awareness Training

Our Fire Awareness Training course aids with compliance towards current fire safety legislation. The course is IOSH Approved & CPD Accredited to give you a quality assurance of our course.

Health & Safety

GDPR Training

This IIRSM approved GDPR Training covers the essentials for anyone who handles personal data and helps employees to understand the key elements of data protection and how to comply with UK General Data Protection Regulations. It doesn't matter how big or how small your organisation is, or how much or little data you handle; the GDPR applies to all and negligence can have a devastating impact if breached. This training course provides an in-depth look into the GDPR in the UK, building on the content of our GDPR EU Essentials course.

Business Compliance

Cyber Security Awareness Training

This cyber awareness training has been designed for all businesses and individuals to use. It includes some straightforward practical steps that will help to protect computers, networks, software, and data from unauthorised access. Our online cyber security training will help you protect your business from cyberattacks, whilst giving staff the practical tools they need to stay safe online. It's CPD-accredited and staff receive a printable cyber awareness certificate upon successful completion.

Business Compliance

DSE Training (Display Screen Equipment)

DSE Training is a legal requirement for anyone who regularly uses display screen equipment. Our Display Screen Equipment Training helps you work towards compliance with The Health and Safety (Display Screen Equipment) Regulations 1992 and helps DSE users avoid RSI, headaches, eyestrain, and back problems; all of which are proven to contribute to absenteeism. Our course is IOSH & RoSPA Approved and includes an online DSE Risk Assessment.

Health & Safety

Time Management Training

This IIRSM approved Time Management training course has everything you need to take back control over your time. It will help you plan where you want to be and effectively manage your time so you can focus on getting there, whilst offering useful tips and strategies for avoiding distractions along the way.

Soft Skills

Effective Remote Working Training

This IIRSM approved Effective Remote Working Training course is aimed at employees who regularly work remotely or work from home. It will provide tools to ensure high levels of productivity and job satisfaction can be maintained, as well as covering the importance of communication for those based remotely.

Human Resources

Mental Health Awareness Training

This Mental Health Awareness Training raises awareness of ill-mental health (particularly stress, depression and anxiety), provides tools and guidance for daily wellbeing-management, and aims to remove the stigma surrounding mental health. It's the only course of its kind to achieve an IOSH Approval and also won the THS Health & Safety Award in 2020!

Human Resources

Managing Anxiety Training

This IOSH Approved Managing Anxiety Training course provides an introduction to what anxiety is and the various ways it can affect different people. It offers simple and memorable CBT ideas and techniques for our learners to use in order to better approach, understand and manage worrisome or anxious thoughts on a daily basis – things which are experienced by us all.

Human Resources

Communication Skills Training

This bitesize (10-minute) online Communication Skills Training course helps staff build on their existing communication skills by providing guidance on initiating and responding to various forms of communication. It's suitable for all levels of staff within any type of organisation.

Soft Skills

Responding to Change Training

Our bitesize (10-minute) Responding to Change Training Course will help employees feel more prepared when handling change. They will better understand their natural reactions to change and how to handle them so that their response to change improves and they become more open to embracing change.

Soft Skills

Our team of experts

We’ve helped thousands of UK businesses easily work towards compliance with Health & Safety and HR legislation…

The Health & Safety of remote workers must be considered by employers, who are required to protect the health, safety and welfare of homeworkers who are employees. These courses are a fantastic tool to keep remote workers up to speed with important topics.

Alex Wilkins Tech.IOSH

Head of Business Development

Your Legal Responsibilities

“Employers are required to protect the health, safety and welfare of homeworkers who are employees. If you employ homeworkers you should carry out a risk assessment of the work activities and take appropriate measures to reduce any associated risks.”

– The HSE

The Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) order 2005

This legislation requires employers to train all employees on fire awareness. It is recommended that staff complete training each year, to ensure that they are fully equipped to act safely in case of an emergency and to show commitment to legislation.

The Health and Safety (Display Screen Equipment) Regulations of 1992

All employers have the responsibility to provide risk assessments and provide adequate information and training for people using display equipment workstations. They must also provide employees with information about the health and safety rules relating to their workstations.


The General Data Protection Regulation derives from the EU Data Protection Directive. Breaches must now also be reported in 72-hours, and personal data has been redefined.

Frequently asked questions