Fear of the unknown and feeling like we have a lack of control certainly contributes to further panic. But what’s important is learning what there is to know at the moment, and how this information can help us to take preventive measures, whilst also knowing what to do if further action is needed. Thankfully, there are a few things that can be done.

With this in mind, we felt it is our duty to use our expertise and resources to provide a free online awareness video about the Coronavirus.

Updated Coronavirus Awareness Video – iHasco

Learning outcomes:

  • Understand what the Coronavirus is and what we know about it so far
  • Learn how to reduce the risk of contracting the virus and spreading infection to those around you
  • Learn about the symptoms and protocol if you think you or someone you know has contracted the virus

More information

No one likes being ill or spreading their germs to those they live or work with. Having an understanding of how infections spread and knowing how to reduce the likelihood of becoming ill helps protect everyone that may be at risk.

There are many different types of infections, from the common cold to the more serious such as MRSA, SARS and Coronavirus. We may breathe in airborne viruses, catch them from contact with infected people or contaminated objects or surfaces. Simple control methods such as washing hands frequently and good respiratory hygiene go towards preventing the spread of infections.

We hope that all individuals and organisations will benefit from this free resource that provides simple infection prevention strategies for Coronavirus, which extends to symptoms and treatment, as well as what to do if you believe you or someone in your household or organisation has Coronavirus.

We’ve also made this video available to download via Vimeo so you can use it on your intranet, in your existing Learning Management System or in a face-to-face session in your conference room.

For clients:

For convenience, you can also add this video as a free course for your learners. Just log-in to your LMS, navigate to “Course library” and click on the green banner at the top of the page. Adding this course to your library costs nothing and doesn’t use any credits.

For more information and guidance about Coronavirus, please visit our blog, which we’ll be keeping up-to-date with all of the latest developments.