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Comprehensive and easy to comprehend

The course was very relevant to anyone with any regular contact with children/young adults. It dealt with difficult subjects in a factual way, however ensured there was a real ‘human’ element in dealing with safeguarding, which was extremely reassuring.

Informative, important to recap yearly

An important, interesting a vital assesment/test that in this day and age is so important for all people who care for children or just have any form of contact with children should have.

Excellent delivery and clear

Very thorough and informative; relative to my role.



Good refresher

I liked this course with additional information available if you need it. Stresses the importance of accurate recording.

To the point

Good simple and effective just a bit long. But its an extremely important topic so I understand

A very good relevant course.

I awarded this 4 stars as, working solely with adults, I question how valuable this is in the scheme of things. Certainly the sections about FGM and Breast Ironing did little for me blood pressure, or my ability to respect the values of different cultures!

Well put together and well presented.

This user gave this course a rating of 5/5 stars



Good enough, easy to understand

Covers the basics in an easy to understand format. (Could be made more interesting visually, not just a person talking 'at' the viewer)