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Gives me more enlighten

More enlighten and awareness

eye opening course

This course gives you a lot to think about and reminds you that you do need to be more mindful in your every day life as society is always changing.

very good & informative

This user gave this course a rating of 5/5 stars


No consideration of accessibility to those who do not learn from watching videos; forcing people to sit and wait while a slowly acted out scene plays through. I get bored waiting for something to finish and move onto work, having to come back just to click next. Videos should allow skipping or at least changing the speed of playback. Also, why can we not just skip to the test?

simply spot on

This user gave this course a rating of 5/5 stars

Excellent course

Makes everything very clear and understandable

informative, very clear and concise

Although most of the course content are things I am aware of already, it is a good reminder to us all. :-)

Simple and clear

Simple and clear


Confusing to get onto but fine once found.

no problems

course as easy to understand and follow, assessment was a fair reflection of course content.