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have gained a better understanding GDPR

This user gave this course a rating of 5/5 stars


This user gave this course a rating of 5/5 stars

Lots of useful information

This course explains things that you may not understand unless to are tech savvy.

Too long

A brilliant course, but maybe could be condensed a little.

Very comprehensive and informative

This course was very easy to follow, and delivered in a way that made it understandable.

Nice and easy to access

Nice and easy sit listen and complete Great

Really thorough

Nice to have so many elements combined as part of this course, I feel up to date on many aspects of health and safety

relevant and essential

As online activity is increasingly impacting on the safety of our learners this is the most important of all courses. Every day there appears to be new hazards and opportunities for young people to be drawn inti harmful groups and activities. We need to be vigilant and aware of the signs to watch out for. We need to be aware of how to respond to keep them safe.

a lot of ground covered

content a bit thin on latter topics

All good