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Very good information

Very helpful and informative


This user gave this course a rating of 5/5 stars

Very informative

This user gave this course a rating of 5/5 stars

Excellent practice and very helpful

Very useful and helpful

Really useful information

This course has a lot of useful information that can not only be used in the workplace but used at home to be safe where ever I am working.

A long winding training session on EDI

This was very interesting but too long and a lot of HR speak and definitions which don't cross our mind on an every day basis, e.g. equality and equity. Otherwise, many aspects that one gets intuitively right when not abnormal, e.g. when it comes to inadequate jokes. – I could stop here! When it comes to "trans" it states "true identity" or similar (sorry, can't remember exactly). This could be debatable in some cases because it may be blurred in peoples psychological perception unless clearly supported by biological evidence. – Anyway, as long as it does not interfere with doing the job, this should be a minor point.

Very Good Course To Do

This user gave this course a rating of 5/5 stars

clear conncise video's

Very interesting

clear conncise video's

Very interesting

Very clear, well presented

Again a very well presented account of a subject with much detailed content. Very clear text. Accessible, helpful. Sheds an insight into some things I have noticed back in the past.