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Very useful

I learnt a lot about how I have significantly failed historically to pay attention to basic rules of work practice – particularly work that involves the use of my laptop computer.

Good refresher course

Good refresher course thanks, was easy to follow and understand.

Utter waste of my time

One word summary: garbage. There is no option to take the test (to show I have a grasp of the material) *BEFORE* being forced to sit though nearly an hour of interminable video (which I have seen before, and which cannot be fast forwarded). Although there is a transcript (which is great), there is no option to fast forward the video once I've finished reading the transcript (usually about 3x faster than the commentary gets there). A poorly thought out course showing utter disregard for people's valuable time. It's the same every year so I fully expect to repeat this review again next year. The course material is valuable and necessary. The execution is a mess. I have better things to do than sit though video content that I already know.


It helps to understand what to do when someone is choking

very good covered things i did not know

This user gave this course a rating of 5/5 stars

Brilliant use of my time – thank you

I thought I was fairly good at knowing and accessing what's in my subconscious, but the course reminded me of many strong influences from my past that I had forgotten.

to the point

surprised training didn't mention RIDDOR

Very helpful

Improving you in your own line of work

Really good refresher and important info

This user gave this course a rating of 5/5 stars

Very poor

No engagement or interest