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thank you for this learning, very good

This user gave this course a rating of 5/5 stars

Very informative

I've learnt a lot with this course. You hear a lot of the words connected with cyber security without fully understanding the complete meanings and implications of these terms, this course has made it all a lot clearer for me.


The content of the course easy to follow without the usual IT jargon.

Good detailed content

More far reaching than other courses on the same subject

it was good

This user gave this course a rating of 5/5 stars

it was good

This user gave this course a rating of 5/5 stars

The training was interesting and informa

This user gave this course a rating of 5/5 stars

Accurate and clear information

Consolidated knowledge I already had around autism (having a young adult son who was diagnosed around the age of 3-5 and another later around the age of 7 -8) and up to date terminology and understanding of autistic related diagnoses which explains how wording has changed from 24 years ago and why own knowledge in the field has somewhat been outdated. Excellent training has made so much sense and further enables me to support not only my own 2 adult sons but the wider community incl. SEN children i work with.

Short, informative, engaging

The content is split up well into short videos that explain the concepts clearly and are genuinely useful. The random internal quizzes are great touch and the final assessment is long enough to test knowledge sufficiently.

Worth the watch

really helpful for the work place and everyday life