So How Did We Achieve IOSH Approval?

Posted 7 years ago

How did iHasco achieve IOSH approval?

As you’ll know from previous blogs, we’re really quite proud that so many of our courses now have IOSH approval and some clients have asked what the process was. So here goes…

Firstly, and quite naturally, we needed to prove some in-house expertise. That bit was easy enough, all iHasco advisors are thoroughly trained and have passed the IOSH Managing Safely course. And I went back to school and passed some exams with distinction, they were hard! My mum is delighted that I finally have letters following my name after disappointing her all those years ago when I failed my A-levels*

Next came a check on the content itself. A very nice lady at IOSH went through every single course we submitted for approval and checked for quality and the accuracy of our advice. They were generally very happy with the content but made a few useful suggestions. So, improvements and subtle changes to a few courses were duly made.

Finally, there was an ‘audit’ to check everything else outside of the course content. Dozens of checks were made, here’s a few:

  • The ease of access to support was tested (users can submit a support ticket or use live chat, but we prefer actual conversations and so clients and end users always have quick access to our telephone number, and believe it or not will get an answer from a ready-to-help real person, not an automated service).
  • The ability to leave feedback was important (see our thousands of course reviews on the website, we have nothing to hide)
  • The ability to be able to retake tests was necessary. All our users/delegates can easily have another look at the relevant sections to check their understanding and re-take the test.
  • Certificates were important. Ours are lovely! And we have an eco version to save paper and printer ink if required.

The result was fantastic! IOSH used the National Occupational Standards for Audit as a reference and we scored the top grade – we were “outstanding” – which meant we scored over 97%!

So, that’s the short version of how many of our courses achieved approval from IOSH. Our other approval partners don’t make us work quite so hard, but they all carefully check the content of the courses and we always make small changes when needed. Actually, I hope they don’t get any ideas reading this!

Check out all of our IOSH approved courses and claim your free, no-obligation trial today!

*Incidentally, we always have and always will thoroughly research courses and ensure all of our course content is checked for accuracy of advice by independent and qualified health & safety experts AND then, whenever possible we will seek approval from at least one of our approval partners including IOSH, RoSPA, IIRSM, IATP, and the CIEH

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