Does your School have Asbestos?
Posted 12 years ago

Did you know that 75% of UK schools have Asbestos in the UK? An ITV report states that 75% of all schools have asbestos which is rising to 90% in parts of Manchester and Wales. Michael Lees leads the Campaign, Asbestos in Schools and his wife was a school teacher who died from mesothelioma.
Britain has no plan for dealing with asbestos in schools at the moment, despite having the highest number of teachers dying from asbestos-related cancer, in the world.
The Joint Union Asbestos Union committee will aim to discuss what can be done about asbestos in schools at an education committee hearing. They are campaigning for:
- Warnings about warm air cabinet heating systems that contain asbestos
- Air sampling to assess any risk of asbestos
- An audit of the condition and extent of asbestos in UK schools and colleges
- A nationwide plan to include training for all staff
- The idea to re-introduce HSE inspections to determine asbestos management in schools
- A long term plan to handle the phasing out of asbestos in schools (priority list for those in most danger)
If your school was built before 2000 then it could include your school too!
The solution to any problem starts with greater AWARENESS. All school staff need an understanding of the dangers of Asbestos, it’s properties, where it might be found and what to do. Our new Asbestos Awareness course will, therefore, benefit anyone who works in education.
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