What is Slip & Trip Mapping?

Posted 4 years ago

37% of all reported workplace injuries are a result of a slip, trip or fall. This means that these accidents are more common than those from handling, lifting, carrying and acts of violence combined! But what can employers and managers do to prevent these slips and trips from happening?

If it’s your responsibility to manage and control safety hazards at your organisation, then Slip and Trip mapping is a useful tool you can use to identify areas where slips, trips, and falls have happened and are likely to happen again.

This can help you eliminate hazards, control risks, and implement safeguards to reduce the chances of an accident in the future. There are four simple steps to Slip and Trip Mapping…

Step 1: Draw a map of your workplace

It doesn’t need to be perfect or completely to scale. As long as it broadly represents the building and outside areas you work in.

Step 2: Mark all the high-risk areas on the map

This might include entranceways, level changes, stairs, sources of liquid, cables, wires, and pipes, damaged or loose surfaces, mats and rugs, or slippery surfaces like varnished floors or smooth tiles. Also include areas which can become high-risk, during cleaning, for example.

Step 3: Record all accidents and near misses which have happened as a result of slips, trips, and falls

Use your workplace accident book or speak to members of staff to get a full picture. Clearly mark down the kind of accident, the date and time, and the cause.

Step 4: Implement Safeguards.

If accidents are regularly occurring in certain high-risk areas, look into what you can do to eliminate or better control them. This might involve introducing a strict cleaning routine, gritting the floor in bad weather, or putting up warning signs and giving out safety shoes to staff.

Slips, Trips & Falls Prevention Training

If you think you or your organisation could benefit from more information about preventing accidents and eliminating risks related to slips, trips or falls, our training course is the answer! Learn about employer and employee responsibilities, accident workbooks, different types of hazards, dealing with slip & trip hazards, how to work safely at height and using ladders.

Get started with a free no-obligation trial today!

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Slips, trips & falls prevention training