Find out more about Alex McMahon

When did you join iHasco?

I joined iHasco in December 2019.

What do you do there?

I work as a Senior Partnership Development Manager working with New Business Consultants to generate new business for the company and help you understand your training needs.

What did you want to do when you were at school?

I always wanted to be an inventor. As a child, I kept a book with some of my ideas, one of which included a mug that when heated can be used as an iron. Fair to say this idea didn’t take off.

What do you get up to when you’re not at iHasco?

If I’m not binge-watching tv series or watching football, then I’m usually out with my friends and family.

Where in the world would you most like to go?

The list is endless…..

What’s your favourite food?

A good fillet steak. Rare and tender.

Tell us something we don’t know about you…

I can speak a little Mandarin. Don’t test me though!

Favourite book or movie?

My favourite book has to be Andy McNab, I always loved his books. As for my favourite movie, any of the American Pie series always has me laughing!

Want to join us?

At iHasco we believe in building a business that puts our people at the very heart of what we do. Do you want to join our team?