Find out more about Connor Drew

When did you join iHasco?


What do you do at iHasco?

I've recently been promoted to a Senior Account Manager before being a Junior Account Manager!

What did you want to be when you were at school?

I always wanted to join the Police, then I wanted to join the Navy, BUT then I realised I don’t like wearing uniforms.

What do you get up to when you’re not at iHasco?

When I’m not at iHasco I am either out with my mates living life to the full! or chilling at home watching TV – I love comedy films and sitcoms.

What’s your favourite food?

I would have to say that Nando's is by far the best food. Always a Half chicken, Always.

What’s your favourite movie?

Hard choice but I would have to say Interstellar. I like the story, the actors and everything about it.

Where in the world would you most like to go?

I would like to go Bali, a tiny island located in Indonesia. I've heard it’s got the best scuba diving.

Tell us something interesting we don’t know about you?

I am a fully qualified scuba diver! I have dived in Egypt, it was breath taking and the best holiday I had ever been on.

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