James Kelly is a Scriptwriter and in-house GDPR expert for iHasco. James has a degree in BA (Hons) Philosophy and spoke at the Business Show Conference in May 2018 about the GDPR, just after it was introduced. James has written for the likes of The Financial Director, Business Computing World and The Care Briefing.

Want James to contribute to or write content for you? Contact us at press.support@ihasco.co.uk

Find out more about James Kelly

When did you join iHasco?

July 3rd 2017

What do you do at iHasco?

I am a scriptwriter for the training courses.

Tell us something we don't know about you…

One time, Brian May winked at me.

What's your fave food?

Anything weird/ interesting. If I’ve not tried it before, I’m game.

Of all time, what's your favourite movie?

‘Once Upon a Time in America’. My only complaint is that at 4 hours, it’s too short.

If you could go anywhere in the world – where would you go and why?

Iceland. I’m all out of fishcakes.

When you were little, what was your dream job?

When I was quite young I wanted to be an archaeologist, mainly because I was proud of the fact that I could spell it. Then as I got older I had the much more reasonable and attainable dream of being John Lennon.

What's your favourite book and why?

As a hopeless romantic and a fan of nice, happy stories it has to be 1984 by George Orwell. The loveable story of a man who finally decides to let go of his individuality and learns to love the warm embrace of the state.

Recent articles by James Kelly

The impact of Brexit on the GDPR and why compliance is still crucial

Through the madness of lockdowns, implementation of Brexit, and the revolving door at 10 Downing Street, the GDPR has remained just as important as the day it was introduced.

The Health & Social Care Act Update – what does it mean for the Health & Social Care sector?

The Health & Social Care Act 2008 (Regulated Activities) (Amendment) (Coronavirus) (No.2) Regulations 2021 has brought into effect some pretty extensive changes across the entire health and social care sector.

Safer Driver, Safer Journey – 3 things to consider as a Safe Driver

Driving is one of the most dangerous things someone could do at work. In fact, you have a 1 in 8,000 chance of suffering a fatal accident whilst driving. So here are 3 of the main things that you should consider and remind yourself of to make sure you’re driving safely when driving for work as well as personal purposes.

Changes to the Health & Social Care Act

In an attempt to curb the worst effects of the virus, the government has updated the Health & Social Care Act to help stop its spread in care homes. Here we answer some key questions to help you understand the changes taking place.

What is the data adequacy agreement between the EU and UK?

In June 2021, The European Union (EU) formally recognised the UK’s high data protection standards, leading to an "adequacy agreement" being struck.

What is active listening?

Listening is a crucial part of communication and yet, despite its importance, it’s something a lot of us aren’t very good at. But what is active listening?

What are the barriers to effective communication?

Barriers to effective communication come from three sources… personal, social and environmental.

Top Workplace Time Wasters

In 2013, researchers at the University of California found that, on average, we’re distracted from our work once every 11 minutes. Given that it takes an estimated 25 minutes to refocus our attention back on our original task, it’s no wonder that many of us often feel frustrated at how little we actually achieve throughout our workday. Eliminating these distractions can have profound effects, not only on our productivity, but also on our mental wellbeing too.

How to stay GDPR compliant when working from home

Wherever it is in your house that you now call “the office”, you may well be wondering how working from home affects your GDPR obligations. Are you allowed to carry out your usual responsibilities? Do you need to invest in expensive software? Should you lock your office door and install security cameras around your laptop? In short, yes, no, and absolutely not.

What are the 6 Lawful Bases of Processing Data?

The GDPR lists 6 lawful reasons for processing data, which are; Consent, Contract, Legal Obligation, Vital Interests, Public Task & Legitimate Interests.

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