Find out more about James Lakeman

When did you join iHasco?

I joined iHasco on the 7th December 2015 – and still going strong!

What do you do at iHasco?

As a Key Accounts – Team Lead, I deal a large variety of clients. At the start of my journey, I was going through the apprenticeship scheme which I finished in December 2016. Followed a management course in 2017. I think that’s me & education done for now…

Tell us something we don't know about you…

I am the office Limbo Champion! – You know the address of iHasco on the website if you want to challenge me, Mon – Friday / 9am-5pm!

What's your fave food?

This is a hard choice as I struggle to find a food that I DON’T like!! But I would have to say a Chinese takes the gold for me.

Of all time, what's your favourite movie?

Lord of the rings is by far the one for me, I could watch that on repeat.

If you could go anywhere in the world – where would you go and why?

If I had the chance to go anywhere in the world I would like to go to Australia. The reason for me wanting to go to Australia is for the amazing beaches and BBQ food, plus their accents!

When you were little, what was your dream job?

When I was little my dream job was a footballer like most young boys who play the game, anyone out there who want to take advantage I’m a free agent.

What's your favourite book and why?

I am not much of a book reader, for me it is the Four Four two magazine.

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