Find out more about Millie Gater

When did you join iHasco?

I joined iHasco in November 2017.

What do you do at iHasco?

I'm an Order to Cash specialist at iHasco!

Tell us something we don't know about you!

I was born on a leap year!

What did you want to be at school?

A mermaid or midwife.. still gutted I didn't make it as a mermaid.

What do you get up to when you're not at work?

I like to spend time with my family and friends, going on nights out or the odd trip to the gym!

What's your favourite movie of all time?

You could say I’m a bit of a film whore, so I couldn’t just pick one but anything Disney is always a classic.

Favourite food?

Anything Pasta!

where would you most like to travel to?

Africa!!! I’m desperate to go on a safari or go cage diving with Great White Sharks.

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