Find out more about Molly Brayne

When did you join iHasco?

I joined the iHasco team in April 2018!

What do you do there?

I assist with customer enquiries via the phone, email and LiveChat system. As well as helping out our clients, I'm also on hand to give assistance to our Account Managers/New Business Mangers when they need it.

What did you want to do when you were at school?

I always wanted to be a hairdresser when I was little, I even practiced on my younger sister once… I quickly realised that wasn’t the best career choice for me!!

What do you get up to when you’re not at iHasco?

I love to go out with my friends/family on the weekends, and I love a good Netflix series, Stranger Things being one of my faves!!

Where in the world would you most like to go?

I would absolutely love to go to New York at some point, just worried I’d spend too muchmoney!

What’s your favourite food?

My absolute favourite meal is chicken pie, mashed potato and gravy! YUM

Tell us something we don’t know about you…

A weird fact that I love to tell people, is that I was born with 6 toes on one foot! Slightly weird but it’s quite a good unusual fact about myself haha!

Favourite book?

I only tend to read when on holiday, but a favourite of mine is Girl on the Train!

Want to join us?

At iHasco we believe in building a business that puts our people at the very heart of what we do. Do you want to join our team?