Find out more about Sam Hockley

When did you join iHasco?

I joined iHasco in 2010 and it's raced by!

What do you do there?

I'm a Senior Business Development Consultant, I work within the team of New Business to generate new business. I support our New Business Managers and arrange online tours and schedule appointments.

What did you want to be when you were at school?

I wanted to be a fireman or should I say women!

What do you get up to when you’re not at iHasco?

I’m with my family, mainly taxi-ing my children round and everyone here will tell you I love socialising with friends over a bottle of wine or two! I love cooking too!

What’s your favourite movie or book of all time?

Overboard! So funny and cheesy but good family fun! And The Bone People by Keri Hulme.

What’s your favourite food?

Anything hot and spicy I love foods with lots of chilli and garlic, but really…anything except peas!

Where in the world would you most like to go?

I would love to travel down the length of Vietnam on a rickshaw, just to do some thing different!!

Tell us something we don’t know about you…

I used to spend three months at a time every year in countries like Portugal, Australia, India and Africa. One brilliant time was when I went shark diving of the coast of South Africa & a huge great white shark came within inches of us!

Want to join us?

At iHasco we believe in building a business that puts our people at the very heart of what we do. Do you want to join our team?