Behind the endorser – Skills for Care

Posted 4 years ago

Behind the endorser - Skills for Care

In case you missed it – This month, at the start of each week we have been publishing entries into a series of blog posts that focus on the recognised authorities that approve our online training courses.

This week, we’ll be putting the spotlight on Skills for Care, a charity that supports adult social care employers to deliver what the people they support need.

Who are Skills for Care?

Skills for Care are a trusted charity with over 18 years of experience in workforce development in an adult social care setting.

Their support helps leaders and managers in the care sector recruit, develop, and lead their staff.

Whilst they offer a number of services for those working in the care sector, one of their top services is endorsing high-quality training providers in England.

To help employers find quality training we endorse learning providers who we see as the best across England.

Skills for Care

What are the benefits of completing a Skills for Care Endorsed Training course?

Having been a prevalent part in developing the Care Certificate Standards, Skills for Care are widely recognised by care professionals across the UK as a leading authority in the sector.

With that said, completing a course provided by a Skills for Care endorsed provider gives the user an assurance that it is of the highest quality and will help to develop their skills.

Here is what Skills for Care say about their endorsement framework…

Our Endorsement Framework is a mark of quality that is given to the best learning and development in the adult social care sector. By being endorsed, you can prove you deliver high-quality learning and development.

Skills for Care

Are iHasco endorsed by Skills for Care?

Yes! As we offer a number of training courses for the care sector, including 15 Care Certificate eLearning courses, we decided to approach Skills for Care in order to seek their stamp of approval.

We underwent an extensive endorsement process with them, which included over a years worth of development and research, and we can now officially say that we’re a Skills for Care endorsed provider!

Do you work in the adult social care sector and are interested in our courses? Simply fill out the form below to claim a free, no-obligation trial to any of our Skills for Care endorsed courses!