Q1 2019 Product Development Update
Posted 6 years ago
With so much going on here at iHasco sometimes it’s easy for us to ship new features which slip through the net and don’t get the attention they deserve. So from here on in we’ve decided we’ll provide you with a quarterly update here on the blog on (almost) everything that’s changed in the last 3 months:
- We gave the ‘Settings’ screens in the LMS a complete visual overhaul – these screens now work great on mobile devices too. We also added much greater insight into who’s changed what settings and when through the Insights Events Log.
- We added a new ‘interactive video’ based slide type to the application which gives our production team the option to create slides which present a video, offer the user a choice as to how to proceed and then present a video that plays out basec on that choice.
- We made some improvements to the user interface for setting specific pass marks and training intervals for courses in the client LMS that make it possible to now inherit the default setting on your account, turn . either of these features ‘off’ for a specific course or use a course specific setting.
- We added a new option for account owners within ‘Settings > Global settings’ to allow you to hide ‘Insights’ for LMS administrators without admin level access in the client LMS.
- We added a new feature for LMS administrators which allows you to force ‘Start new session’ for users on any course in the client LMS. This can be handy if you want to prompt one or more specific users to re-take their training before the standard training interval.
- We gave the ‘Account’ screens in the LMS a complete visual overhaul, bringing them inline with the new Settings screens.
- We completely redesigned the user profile screens within the client LMS to provide a much clearer view of a users overall progress and to expose events associated with that user.
- We added basic tracking of user enrolments within the client LMS events log so that you can more easily keep track of when users have been enroled or unenroled in or from courses.
- We added a global setting in the client LMS to allow an account owner to disable the language switcher within the training suite. Useful if you don’t require translations and users are just completing their training in Russian for laughs.
- We added much improved message/alert styles in the client LMS which appear in the bottom left of the screen following completion of an affirmitive action.
- We added Finnish as a user interface language translation within the training suite.
- We refined and improved the LMS user profile ‘Results & courses’ filter to give LMS administrators the option to filter a users course/results with much more granular control.
- We added ‘moderated self registration’ as a completely new LMS training suite registration option and the corresponding ‘pending’ users view in the client LMS.
- We modified how we handle email/password log-in in the training suite so that it can be used in combination with the ‘self registration’ option.
- We added the ability for LMS administrators to edit their profile via the client LMS and massively improved user profile validation.
- We made significant improvements to accessibility and keyboard navigation in the Training Suite which makes our training compatible with screen readers such as Jaws on the PC and Voiceover on the Mac.
- We refined the ‘add result’ actions for courses with a trainers license to make this feature more accessible from the user profile and results views.
- And last, but not least, we fixed a few minor bugs!
Worried that you’re missing out? Take a look at our release notes to stay up to date on all the new incremental improvements and major releases. We even provide the option to subscribe via email or RSS if you want to know as soon as something changes.

Nathan Pitman
Managing Director
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