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Some misleading data in the test

A lot of complicated information for a general audience, although it is presented well. Your quoted survey statistic that 50% of children have an allergy includes even very mild hayfever symptoms and this means that there will be an inappropriate focus on mild symptoms, versus anaphylaxis. The statement that allergies can't be cured is also misleading – children can and do grow out of allergies (particularly milk, fish and shellfish).

Very helpful and informative.

This user gave this course a rating of 5/5 stars


This user gave this course a rating of 5/5 stars

Great course

A very informative easy to learn course

A good course

The course proved to be exceptionally valuable, offering a wealth of information that was not only insightful but also highly relevant to real-world applications. The content was meticulously curated, ensuring a comprehensive understanding of the subject matter. It provided highly informative and useful information that equipped participants with practical skills and a deeper understanding of children with allergies.

This has given me more confidence.

I feel much better equipped to deal with children with allergies and will be able to act appropriately if an emergency situation arises.

Extremely interesting and important.

I learned so much from this course and regular refresher courses are essential. The trainer for this course was excellent. Thanks.


Detailed and designed to cater the medical needs of school children.

Very informative for all school staff

This is an excellent course for all who work with children who have allergies in educational settings. It covers everything you need to know clearly and thoroughly and in an easy to understand video and slide format. This short course is separated into different sub-headed areas so you don't feel overwhelmed with too much information at once. It is particularly useful to have a summary at the end of each section area as this helps embed the information just delivered. I have taken away some very useful tips to use in my school, for example the 'no-sharing snacks' stickers and a school poster with all the most common allergens on it.


Very clear information. Very helpful the way the course is split into slides, making it easier to do, if interrupted, for any reason.