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Good, easy to follow.

Clear and easy to follow the lecture and graphics, and can go back for recap as and when required.

Well presented, a very good course

All areas covered and the short post explanation sentences are useful for remembering information.


If you are dealing with this type of policy and regulation it is informative. I feel it may be a little complicated for the lay person. If you do not read through it thoroughly you could struggle. Overall though informative.

sometimes difficult to follow

Some areas easy to understand some areas not so easy

Anchor's voice was nice and clear

This was great , clear and nicely explained.

easy, clear explanations

This user gave this course a rating of 4/5 stars

Seemed to take a while explaining..

This one seemed to take a while, maybe because of day job interruptions but not the same enjoyment as the bribery training. Not as relevant within the department or role maybe supported my view..

Very straightforward and easy to navigat

I come from a banking background so am used to hours of detailed training on this subject, however this course was detailed enough for my now role, and easy enough to understand if no background knowledge I think


Actually enjoyed doing this training

A worthwhile course.

I thought the course was informative and well constructed.