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Excellently informative.

This user gave this course a rating of 5/5 stars

Effective way to update training

The video training is an effective way to update training about asthma and helps you to understand how a child/person with asthma might be feeling in different situations. I found it very useful.

Very clear and easy to follow

This user gave this course a rating of 5/5 stars

Very good

This user gave this course a rating of 5/5 stars


This user gave this course a rating of 5/5 stars


This user gave this course a rating of 5/5 stars


This user gave this course a rating of 5/5 stars

Really useful

Really useful I have had asthma since childhood- I think how it is managed and treated now has changed so much. I learned a lot, it’s so different to when I was a child & less stigma nowadays.

Good course

Some questions in the test do not relate to the content of the training and, as a consequence, do not seem relevant.

great opportunities but repeat it again.

This training has provided more information about support children with asthma attack and awareness of trigger, for the staff during play about symptoms is persistence cough, shortness breath, wheezing, tightness in chest and tummy ache, treatment, it can be preventable , control and children can still joined others to play at all time, provided the staffs training is always continue supervision. It is very important to get the inhaler nearby at any point in time, because if 2 out 3 may be have attract at any time. The school have responsibilities and every child have school asthma card, medicine needed, asthma symptoms and trigger can be different in various environment, asthma attack procedure. Also, asthmas action plan, daily medicine, trigger awareness, signs and symptoms, how to treat symptoms, precaution to take by identify the exercise during that attack and treatment and IHP which includes individual information such as contract for parents, daily routine, any allergies, medication, treatment call emergency when necessary but when child feel better then call parents to informed them and keep records up to date. All children needs education social and emotional support, especially when children were doing extra activities such as going in the bus, going to part, running during PE- physical education or exam period. In addition, parents consent forms to administering medication when necessary. School, parents and guardiancies have responsibilities because every 20 minutes research confirmed that a child is administer ,every year IHP individual healthcare plan must be review. I will like to resit test, if possible. Thank you