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Good course as a refresher.

Clear and thorough training

I enjoyed this course and it contained a lot of interesting info. I made notes and like the fact I could pause and rewind where necessary. Perhaps at the start of the course – suggest that people should makes notes or have a print out the of content available to refer back to. One last thing is the additional materials could be missed so perhaps these should be available as part of the course and you shouldn't be able to 'continue' the course without having read them.

Was easy to follow

I found the training very easy to understand follow the sections was clearly stated and all the tools given was helpful


Very helpful

I really enjoyed learning more thank you

This user gave this course a rating of 5/5 stars

It was ok

Quite interesting.



Quick good informative.

This user gave this course a rating of 5/5 stars

Clear, concise, complete

The training is well structured, logical and engaging. Animations and transcripts allow clarity and greater understanding. Find the training to be enjoyable!

It was very consise

Very easy to understand