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Very hard to take in information

There is a lot of complicated information to retain and the course is very slow, too long, and information is difficult to remember. The presenter of the course is very dull and presentation is very tedious.

Interesting course

I admit I struggled a little with this course..I do hope I’ve done enough.It is very informative and shows what goes on behind the scenes before actions are put in place.

I gave 5 star because of the different

This user gave this course a rating of 5/5 stars

very rich

This course is a massive eye opener for us guys who working in the security industry. Things you will be taking as nothing or nor major could be an offence

Fantastic, good and just to the points.

I felt I was doing the right course, having been drilled on simple but fundamental responsibilities of a carer. The safeguarding course was intrinsically beneficial to would be working in an industry where caring and wellness for a teaming population is the corner stone. It reminded me of my responsibilities and what to look out in discharging my duty.

very informative and not too long

I find it easier, I can rewind and recap whenever I want to.


This user gave this course a rating of 5/5 stars

Thorough whilst maintaining interest

I found this course explained the key points extremely well and gave me a comprehensive understanding of the subject quite efficiently.

Easy to use

This user gave this course a rating of 5/5 stars

Great course

This user gave this course a rating of 5/5 stars