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Very interesting

I absolutely love and enjoy this training as it’s so important to be aware of any child with Epilepsy. Being able to identify the different seizures is very important and being able to look out for a child having any sort of seizures is very important.


Great refresher training

Massively informative

I thought I knew alot about epilepsy before this with my basic first aid training and experience of friends having epilepsy. However my knowledge has been vastly expanded! Thank you.


Easy to understand

Clear and Informative

Easy to use website – good to have additional resource.

Good material, annoying pacing

The material is clear and well laid out, with a good structure and flow through the content, each module building on previous modules and with recall and recap well embedded. However, this course suffers from the same issue as many other courses of its type – forced pacing. It's thoroughly unenjoyable to have absolutely zero flexibility in how fast progress through the course is made, and also unenjoyable to have to sit through content you already know and are confident in. Some use of a pre-course test would be ideal to screen out those that already have secure and passing knowledge, and don't need to waste their valuable time completing a course on something they already have expertise in, and would also provide better evidence for the training provider and the training creator that their course actually results in progress for learners who did not have secure pre-existing knowledge. It's not difficult, so it should be there! It would also be nice to be able to vary the watch speed of the videos as per most modern streaming platforms (some of us like to watch at 1.5x or 2x speed as a force of habit that's beneficial) and also to have multiple options for how to engage with the content – an hour of bite size video chunks is not attention holding or engrossing for many learning styles, it's just infuriating!


Kept on going and tried my best on the assessment

Lots of information

Easy to use ,full of information and less jargon so easy ti understand ….lots of descriptions of seizures which is good for schools to use

Yes it was really interesting

This user gave this course a rating of 5/5 stars

informative and interesting

I didn't know there were so many different types of seizures. This is informative and interesting and I now feel more confident in knowing about them and what signs to look out for.