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Great Course

This course was really good

excellent training

The training course was very good, it was very interesting and the training on a whole was a very clear.

Informative and really helpful

As ive just done a fire training course at work this helped confirm what ive learnt


Training is very informative, necessary especially for me working in a residential home. It can save others lives ,can save my life. Training like this refreshes my mind.

Excellent course about being a fire ward

To put in practice in my workplace all I have learnt from fire warden course to keep all the clients safe at all times

Very helpful

It's good to know what to do in this kind of situations. You can save a lot of life's and to take care of others. I learn o lot things in this training and how to react in case of fire.

An informative course

This was an interesting course with new information re: fire warden role. Just a little too long in parts and could have been slightly shorter.

Informative course

Straightforward informative course easy to follow.

Very detailed.

A more in depth version of fire training. Not sure how relevant it is to me as alone night support worker looking after one individual; it seemed more relevant to staff in offices, care homes or hospitals. In our service the day staff do the fire safety checks as it is noisy and unfeasible to do them at night.

Good course

Quite a long course but essential nevertheless. Useful to have the transcript to refer to.