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good simple infomation

This user gave this course a rating of 5/5 stars

Same as before but useful refresher

Helpful to refresh the key information – would be better if the examples and videos had been updated since last time.

Repetitive if every year

This is my 4th time of doing it, some of the clips (watching the people not react to the fire alarm) are long and unnecessary for repeaters. Can these be removed for a refresher course for this course?

A little too long.

The course has a lot of slides. Could it be completed in less?

Good presentation

Very informative, course broken up into manageable chunks. Particularly impressed with the scenarios included in this training. Made me more aware of potential hazards in the workplace.

Easy terms and give’s good information

Very good information and easy to follow and helpful to refresh information

Very simple to understand and ver inform

This user gave this course a rating of 5/5 stars

Long winded!

I understand the need to give some background information but I feel that there is a lot of information in this course that isn't needed.

Course fine, certificate didn't work

Course was informative with narrators that were not condescending and visuals helpful. Certificate would not download or print from my profile with my name on it but simply as 'YOUR NAME' and SAMPLE written across it although I was registered for the course and completed within my profile on a course that was chosen for me. Just a frustrating emd to an otherwise good delivery online.


I liked the summary points at the end of each slide