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Good course

The course Duration is to long 102 minutes before you get to the questions working in a school i dont have the time to sit there for that long in one go took me nearly all day to complete the course


I thought the course was informative and just the right amount of time, any longer and you could lose interest, any less and you wouldnt gather the information needed.


A well delivered, able to fit it around my working day.


This user gave this course a rating of 5/5 stars

Good content, small improvement suggest

Dear Sir/Madam, I would like to state that the content of this course was very good. I would add, however, that questions based on statistics should not count as part of the overall mark. It is not really relevant to know the number of schools that suffer from arson annually whereas it is relevant to know which fire extinguisher to use. I hope that you will take this into consideration so that I may get 100% next time. Thank you.

Imperative & refreshing for Boarding

This user gave this course a rating of 5/5 stars

The course was really informative

I would recommend this online course to do you fire marshal training, has it was informative and a lot of visual information also to accompany the slides.

Easy to follow

It would of been helpful to have been advised when and if to take some notes. Overall helpful and informative videos

Very informative course.

The course could be accessed for as long as you could focus and you could return at another time to complete. Information was very clear with good visuals to support auditory info. Clear actions for establishments and the fire warden role. Good resources poster of fire extinguishers too.

Informative and easy to follow.

I thought this was well presented, informative and current, not a bell-bottom in sight unlike many previous health and safety presentations I have taken part in. It was easy to follow and understand and the order in which it was presented was logical.