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Relevant and precise.

It's in very simple understandable language

very important for a person to have an e

very good

It's game time

Taking up the test can be a real challenge, learning much as you can and what you see on the courses you take, been fun, quite happy to take them again to improve. Thanks iHasco

This was a good course, good information

This user gave this course a rating of 5/5 stars

Enjoyed it

Studdid very hard enjoyed it

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A really useful course

This was my first time training to become a Fire Warden. I found the mix of guidance, videos, and questions a really useful format to follow.

So easy to follow and so informative

This course has a wealth of knowledge that is easy to follow and understand. Plus the demonstrations helped a great deal too.

clear instruction, easy to understand

This user gave this course a rating of 5/5 stars

Very Informative

Good simple explanations of everything I needed to know. Thank You