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Really easy to use

A perfect learning platform . The test was very good too

Good course, all you need to know.

A good course covering all necessary aspects. Delivered well. Each slide has the right amount of info. Would have been easy to get bogged down in a mass of facts, but this didn't happen.

Very clear and informative

This user gave this course a rating of 5/5 stars

Clear, to the point, unambiguous.

Short enough to be bearable (it is of necessity an information dump) and broken into small sections making it easy to take a break if necessary. Clearly presented information which was easy to follow and absorb, supported by helpful graphics which obeyed the central rule of not being overly repetetive nor being entirely superfluous. The best bit however is spotting the presenter's mysteriously intermittent beard!

Excellent and informative

This user gave this course a rating of 5/5 stars

easy to follow

easy enough to follow. would be better if the questions were split into the video as its a lot to take in and remember for the final test.

Very useful

It was a good course, it was easily accessible and explained well. It has helped my understanding of how it all works and I did learn things I was not aware of.

Relevant, focused and easy to follow

Covered everything needed in as short a time as needed

Excellent in ensuring I have all facts.

Excellent! I now have a clear understanding of what should be held and for how long.

Easy access, plain English and well desi

Easy access, plain English and well designed course to complete in less than 1hr