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Good course.

It is well organized, clear and easy to understand. It's very useful and informative. Thank you.

Good overview

The course would benefit from more examples where there is high incidence of risk from school breaches. Also it would be good to know what significant differences came into effect aa a result of Brexit.

Clear, easy to follow, well presented.

I appreciated the 'no gimmicks' approach. Clear headings, facts, estimated minutes needed to complete each section and the opportunity to follow up an area for the one question I wasn't sure of. The presenter made the info memorable, more so than reading text alone or listening to a disembodied voice. Well done.

Too complicated,

Most of this is not relevant to the job I do. Far too confusing

Loved how it was interactive, very clear

This user gave this course a rating of 5/5 stars

Very easy to follow

This user gave this course a rating of 5/5 stars

Clear and concise

Covered all the principals clearly and specifically related GDPR to data held by schools. Length of course is good as it covers enough material and is easy to find time to complete.


A lot pf the slides don't seem to match some of the questions

Good clear information

It was very useful. The subject matter is important but at times it was hard to keep focussed.

Clear & informative

A lot of information to digest with a lot of similar phrasing but with very different meanings. Presented very clearly.