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Should let you skip to the questions, especially if it has been taken before,

It was interesting

You have to know about the GDPR because how important it is and you need to know what to do with data as well and be very careful with it.

Wordy but manageable!

This feels worst when you start but covers all the necessary basics in a relevant context. Very useful and has made me reflect on my historic practices enabling me to make improvements in my current position.

It was OK

This user gave this course a rating of 5/5 stars

Effective and to the point

Great time value. Looking forward to going back to investigate the additional resources. In the meantime, I feel confident that I am up-to-speed and have back-up resources to go to if I am unsure of anything. Thank you.

Helpful course

An interesting course for a subject matter that could be considered dry! I enjoyed the calming method of presentation, animations and additional resources.


Interesting course on a very important subject. Easy to understand from the way it is put across. Good content .


Good and informative

Nice clear information.

Clear sections and summaries. A few more examples of good and bad practices could help to embed information.

Well presented, informative and useful.

Well presented, informative and useful.