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Easy to understand, great examples.

The examples used to illustrate the topics are relevant and help to understand legal requirement of GDPR law.

Clear guidance

Well communicated messages, giving full understanding.

succint and visually pleasing graphics

Easy to follow despite a lot of terminology. I think listening to a presentation is much easier than reading text although less active. The questions in between helped to keep me on my toes and stay alert, as let's be honest, it isn't the most interesting topic. Good visuals and the presenter was clear and good intonation to his voice to keep the listener engaged.

Was to the point by the presenter

Is there a booklet available for reference ?

Easily digested, understood

Once again a very informative training piece.


Really easy to follow, didn't feel rushed and liked being able to repeat any of the video's if needed.

Clearly well produced

Makes you think before you answer questions



Really brought it to life. Engaging.

Good analogies everyone can understand about why this matters. I liked all the references to "your manager", which should make managers sit up and pay attention too!


This user gave this course a rating of 4/5 stars