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Easy to understand.

This user gave this course a rating of 5/5 stars

well organised and interesting to follow

Very enjoyable and informative course

Concise, easy to understand and follow

Concise, easy to understand and follow


This user gave this course a rating of 5/5 stars

Well received

A good flow of information and well presented.

easy and focused

It was good but it could have been a bit more interactive.

short videos better for attention span

Like the short videos! Some are explained well, some need more examples in them to help relate back to real life scenarios.

Very well laid out and not rushed

Very well presented some info was repeated scored 18 out of twenty however can not understand how I got 2 questions wrong and no explanation of why and should be told the correct answer otherwise a very good course

Good presentation

Good training module

Covered essentials well

Covered essentials well. A lot of questions could be answered with no knowledge of GDPR as the incorrect answers were obvious or two answers the same/similar were pointing to the correct answer. Question about how long to respond to an SAR was not completely correct as it can also be 3 months instead of 1 month depending on other factors.