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East to follow and understand the facts

This user gave this course a rating of 5/5 stars

It was succinct and easy to follow

I found the course very easy to follow, easily accessible and liked the fact that I could go back to it at any point and review certain topics if needed. All areas were explained well and it was easy to understand and very useful. Thanks

Interseting and well presented

Easy to digest and remember – a good reminder of what GDPR means to our clients and ourselves and the importance of its contents.

Great course

Very informative, very clear, very understandable.

Very informative, clear and relevant

This user gave this course a rating of 4/5 stars


An excellent course, giving clear & concise information. One final thought struck me after I had completed the training. After printing the certificate, I felt I needed to go back and list all the things which I would need to check was happening in my organisation. I had to make a list of things to do following the information I learned in the course. If you could create a printable template, to be filled in after completion of each section of the course, this would be invaluable for future clients to use.

Good basic introduction to GDPR

Gives a comprehensive introduction and background as to what it is and why it is important, but misses the things that staff can do to comply; practical steps/how they can work in a way that meets the 6 principles when handling data e.g. two-lock authentication; how to store personal files in transit; reflect on homeworking practices. The 'How'.


Really good content, interesting visual aids and easy to understand.

Easy and quick to comprehend

This user gave this course a rating of 5/5 stars


Very good for getting across key points..helpful to know..good test to help learn more if wrong answers chosen