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Great overview, great format!

This user gave this course a rating of 5/5 stars

Clear & concise

The course was clear and concise delivered in a manner that facilitated absorbing the facts.

Very interesting

Clear & professional, although as I prefer to have visual – words and images – I found it hard to concentrate all the time when being told facts

simple to use


Sorry, it was pretty boring subject

An informative training programme, just a boring subject. However I realise how important this is. We do have training on this within the workplace at least once a year

A relevant understandable approach

This approach to mandatory training was interesting, concise and was not a chore to complete. Extra information available was interesting and the test provided self understanding and a comprehensive overview of the session.

Clearly explained

Well narrated and easy to understand.

Very clear and engaging.

This user gave this course a rating of 5/5 stars

Very thorough

Lot of information to take in

Informative and useful.

Its important to know the rules around GDPR, the training was clear and not to confusing. The video technic is a easier way of understanding the context of the course and obtaining the information provided.