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Good and clear.

Easy to follow. Very slight sound issues.

Informative and good summary at the end

This user gave this course a rating of 5/5 stars

Clear to follow & understand

Clear & systematic delivery of subject matter.


It covers what you need to know

Straight to the point

Training was straight forward and to the point.

Good comprehensive training

It would be better if you could move to the next section once you had read the transcripts. The subtitles were good, but those who are d/Deaf of hard of hearing would also appreciate a BSL interpreter in the videos.

it was easy to listen to.

because it was broken down into small sections

Very clear and easy to follow.

This user gave this course a rating of 5/5 stars

Simply and clearly explained

As a lawyer I already have a good understanding of GDPR but this is one of the best courses I've seen in terms of explaining it simply, as a general introduction, leaving more complex issues for practioners.


very good