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Excellent course

Easy to follow, information and enjoyed the course


This user gave this course a rating of 5/5 stars

Detailed, easy to follow

Very detailed explanation of the subject delivered in a concise and easy to understand manner.


This user gave this course a rating of 5/5 stars

well explained training course .

I learned from this training how important data protection is and how as a company worker , i should handle the use of personal data carefully . personal data can be really dangerous if put in someone malicious hands. i should follow all the GDPR principles when processing customers personal data .

The content was very good

The slides did not flow easily, kept having to right click on the subject and then open

Good and informative

Good and informative which is the most important bit, but could def be made more exciting. It is very much the same approach all the way and I lost focus through it.

Very informative course

Well worth the 40mins.

U.k focused content

Thought it was long winded, generic and the content was uk focused

clear, concise, most inforamtive

This user gave this course a rating of 5/5 stars