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Videos not necessary

I dislike the way I have to wait till the video has stopped playing to move on. I can read and understand the transcript in seconds. But I start to lose interest as I am waiting between sections for the videos to finish. Videos are not essential to all learners. I read the transcripts and muted the videos and only got 1 question wrong on the test.

concise, well presented and not too long

This user gave this course a rating of 5/5 stars

Very good course

It was easy to understand and the good thing is if you don't understand it you can always go back to it later.

Simple and informative

I like using this system, its very clear and easy to use.

Some of it was a bit too fast

I like to make notes but I found it difficult as it was just a tad to fast for me. Apart from this it was very clear. I would recommend it to others.

Well structured & well presented video

The content is well structured and uses plain English for easy comprehension. The presenter is clear, easy to understand and very professional. This is a great training video. I think there could have been more emphasis on the rights of the data subject that are "absolute" and those that are not – slide 12 mentions not deleting or changing data unless permitted to by a manager "or instructed by the data subject" – that's not always or necessarily the case – even if the data subject instructs deletion/changing personal information it does not necessarily follow that the data will be so altered.

great informative interactive course!

This user gave this course a rating of 5/5 stars


This user gave this course a rating of 5/5 stars


Very updated and useful. I really enjoyed this 38 minutes course.

Clear and concise delivery of material

The training was informative and not too long. The presenter was clear and the test was easily relatable to the course content.