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Long, too much irrelevant information.
Course is just watching a man talking. Too much video, needs to be more interaction and less just sit an watch. its boring and there is too much information not needed.
Surprisingly good
Had the self-awareness to know the topic is quite dry and technical, but used well-placed humour and an engaging presenter to make it one of the better training courses I've done. Good job!
Perfectly easy to use and complete
now that I have audio I found the process of training and completing the test easy to follow.
It will provide good and up to date knowledge and also it is required by law.
Very good
This user gave this course a rating of 4/5 stars
Clear Explanation
This user gave this course a rating of 5/5 stars
The course is evocative.
It is educative because i have been able to gain more knowledge especially on what GDOR is all about.
Clear and precise course
Well designed and full; a few tricky, stop and think, test questions too. Plenty there to keep and reflect on and review. The EU-UK dimension is important.
Life and course
As we are human being , we need to know about the ‘GDPR UK essentials training’ which is not even use in company as a staff , it can be use every where, where is in need even our daily life.so would like to thanks for providing us this opportunity to participate to get the knowledge and hope we can use this properly in our future.
Good informative course
This user gave this course a rating of 5/5 stars