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Made a difficult subject interesting

Another engaging and interesting unit. Given that GDPR is potentially not very interesting and a bit overwhelming as a subject, ihasco did well to make it accessible and easy to understand.

Very informative and very useful.

I have learned a lot about GDPR


Detailed brief on the current regulations. Not the most riveting subject but nonetheless, very important to get right.

Enormous amount of information

This was extremely well presented but there was so much information and it was hard to take in such an huge subject in a short time despite reading all the extra documents. May be the course could be broken into smaller sections.


The course is built on outdated methods of learning. I found it difficult to engage if at all with the eLearning. The video content wasn’t easy to watch. I found it boring. The only thing that kept me on my toes were the knowledge check questions. Even half paying attention I was able to pass the course. This shouldn’t be the case when learning about something as important as GDPR.

Structure was good

The course structure was good, but took a while to access


xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx rubbish


Explained everything really well

To the point and wasn't boring

Provided a fairly comprehensive overview with just enough detail to cover all the categories. Questions were pitched at the right level and the material didn't stray far from the subject. At all times it kept to a common sense approach so that it was easy to understand on a practical basis.

This is a well constructed course

A well constructed course that helps to understand the guiding principles of GDPR UK – and what measures individuals as well as organisations must take to protect our data. Clear and concise videos and a test at the end.