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Very indepth.

Learned alot from this course.


Probably better to ask the question, 'what does the "average employee" require from a course abut GDPR. Whilst useful in terms of content, the amount required to be known about the UK version of GDPR is much less. The GDPR is a convoluted, confused and contradictory piece of legislation designed to limit data subjects rights in favour of the system, or employer. The core essentials benefit all but the brexit riddled remainder exposes the flaws within those benefits and skew the legislation. Courses should reflect this to a greater degree.

Thoughtful way for learning

This user gave this course a rating of 5/5 stars

Very easy to follow

Very well put together course

Some useful information

Was very slow going through the slides to start and had to retake the test part way though due to an error message, not sure why. Made me think about things that I wouldn't ordinarily.

easy to access

information in an easy to understand way and accessible.

Great delivery, poor website

Information was well delivered and easily digestible. Your website is SO SLOW

Very good presenter & slides. Congrats

Very good. Thanks. A little slow server to go from vid to vid and question answering. But otherwise really good.

Interesting course

Good information

Good, informative, helpful

Very helpful with my job role, very detailed, easy to understand and understanding confirmed through tests.