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I found the content good and interesting.

Great Teacher

Very informative with a great insight into the construction industry. Through Steve’s knowledge and experience in the construction industry made this course a very straightforward step by step structured process and his teaching style aided this process. I can’t wait to receive my qualification and show it off.

Clear and easy to understand


It gives a good grounding in the subject

This user gave this course a rating of 5/5 stars

difficult quiz

After completeing the course the first time after getting 1 question wrong I went back and started again. After going through it a second time I got further into the quiz but after getting 2 question wrong went back and started again. After the third time through I still got 2 questions wrong but completed the quiz. Some of the questions in the quiz I felt were not directly answered in the material so were open to interpretation. A pointer to where in the material you think a particular question was answered rather than go back and start again would be helpful.

Very interesting up date

This user gave this course a rating of 5/5 stars

Good content

Good content and easy to follow.

It was simple & clear

Easy to understand. Educational and practical

Very good course

Presented very well with very professional slides and video to reinforce the training.

Really informative

Outlined many things I didn't know