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Very useful

Helped me consider my well being and that of others.

Well presented and clearly detailed

This user gave this course a rating of 5/5 stars

Underpinning knowledge

This course gave me the underpinning knowledge with really useful additional resources.

fairly good

On the whole I thought it was quite well presented, however it was a bit long-winded and repetitive in parts.


Very helpful course

Thorough course

This course is a good summary of various different aspects of HR. The additional resources are also very helpful. It is good to understand the difference between harassment and bullying.

An essential course for management!

This is a well presented, essential course for anyone with a responsibility for managing people, albeit managers, supervisors and/or team leaders. It is easy to follow, and gives a good overview of the Equality Act and why it's important for the organisation to manage conflict and avoid harassment. I especially liked the section on managing well-being and mental health. The additional resources are also a good read. Overall highly recommended!

Interesting course and content

I thought this would be aimed more at supporting staff within the school but I am sure I can put what I have learned to good use!

Well done

This user gave this course a rating of 5/5 stars

Very useful course

I really enjoyed this course – it made me more aware of my actions towards people and to be more aware of my colleagues feelings and making sure everyone is happy and healthy.