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A good course. 'Reminder' icons useful

This user gave this course a rating of 5/5 stars

Contained a lot of important information

The course is very helpful and is very good to refresh your knowledge on Infection control.

Excellent, easy to follow course.

Clear, concise instructions & information. Good pace, very informative.

Easy tounderstand

The course covered all the important things that I should know by now and it was well timed.

Very Informative course

Lots of slides, relevant information and informative instructions in regard to the use of PPE

I enjoyed the course, very good!

This user gave this course a rating of 5/5 stars

easy too follow and understand

This user gave this course a rating of 5/5 stars

Good resource

Good short course which covered the important point of infections and how easily they are spread if good hygiene isn't followed.

Very good course

This was a very good course to learn about and get an understanding of infection prevention and control in care. Also wasn't too long the course and was good the little questions throughout and knew you where on the right track.


reminds you of what u need to do