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Very informative

Very informative, more to ladder safety than I thought , some tricky questions in the exam



Too long

30 mins is too long for a ladder safety course. Especially when I never use a ladder at work…

It was good but I haven’t yet seen any l

It was good but haven’t yet seen any ladders in the workplace

very well presented.

As above. Very good. Many thanks.


This user gave this course a rating of 5/5 stars

Essential knowledge

A lot of information in a short space of time. Visually very good. Increases awareness of ladder safety.

good refresher

good refresher course, I would like to see a video included of a ladder being put up and down by a pully rope.

needs to be more specific

We only use fixed ladders on machinery or step ladders, would be more useful to have a specific course for this type of ladder

i did this very interesting

This user gave this course a rating of 5/5 stars