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great session

This user gave this course a rating of 5/5 stars

Very clear instructions and easy to move

Very clear instructions and easy to move throw the course.

Easy to understand

Well presented easy to grasp


A lot of mew information gained3

Not engaging or interactive

Found this course far worse than the manual handling one due to the lack of engaging content and information in comparison.

Relatable and direct

Simple and easy to follow information that’s relates to the subject matter

Concise informative and easy to learn

Well condensed into salient points and easy to understand format

Really good

Think this course is thorough, informative and a lot more easier to do on your phone than taking time out to complete it on a computer ,it would be brilliant if we was able to do all our safety courses this way

Fire can kill

Very interesting and have now the understanding of fire more

The Refresher Training was great!

Fairly concise and straight to the point. The presenter and presentations are visually adequate and neat causing no distractions. The key material being presented as well as the supporting materials were all relevant and tied-in well with each other.